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Fox 2
S3 licensed
"No, it will slow you down as will the sst shifter."

Can't agree. Have you tried driving with shifter long enough, like, at least a month? It's really not that harder and I can't see any reason, why it should be slower. Perhaps in an hour race yes, shifter driver is at a slight disadvantage, since there is some chance of a misshift happening, but as for tiredness, I wouldn't be worrying about that, when you're comfortable with shifter, you don't really use a lot of extra effort to use it.

But overall, in short stints, hotlaps, i'd actually dare to say, that shifter drivers potentially can be faster, cause of, well, fast shifting. But other than this tiny difference, it's still 98% driving skill, feeling the car and stuff like that. There are quite a few WR's done with shifter, Mooney uploaded one not so long ago, french guy Ricou is quite impressive (also has one WR), troy is very fast, and also uses shifter, I've seen Karolis using it online and still showing awesome times.. and I myself got few WRs, mostly LRF stuff.

I'm glad I've started to use shifter, so much fun this way. Can't imagine driving with paddles again, feels the same as it would for regular wheel driver who's trying to drive with mouse.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
I'd say GT, actually. With road_normal tyres it reacts very slow and lazy to steering (that's what I see as "like a boat"). And slow pace doesn't require you to be fast and super-precise with controls, you can correct this thing like ten times in the corner.

Not sure why everyone picking FZ5 tbh, anyone cares to give an explanation?
Fox 2
S3 licensed
"Is the red light on the dash the handbrake?"

Yes it is. The fact, that you mentioned the green light tells that you're using GTR or one of the formulas, which have extremely powerfull engines, so it would be hard not to move the car even if handbrake wasn't auto turning, which it does very easily.
I see 2 possible scenarios here.
1) Handbrake is always on for some reason. It can be assigned to a wrong axis, or button, which is for some reason always on.
2) Clutch is always on.

To check, which one is it, just activate "show pedals", as boothy mentioned. Grey bar is handbrake, blue - clutch, red - brakes, green - gas pedal.

May be of course you're just not leting go of clutch pedal enough, it starts to disengage when pedal is half-depressed or so..
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Does anyone else now having trouble with the font size?
Personally, I've found new text size to be waaay too small. Perhaps it doesn't work the way it should here, dunno. I'm using 1024*768, opera 9.21.

Before and after pic in attach. jpg compression is a bit too strong, but paint doesn't give any choice
Fox 2
S3 licensed
I'm in.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
I'm in!
Fox 2
S3 licensed
About that no response bug. There is a stable way to reproduce it.

Start LFS, go to multiplayer, get server list. Then try to connect to full server, then go back to servers list window. If you'll try refreshing it now, it won't show any servers. Works everytime for me, both Z and Z10 versions.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
I use LFS values except for rally stages and rb4, where i use 576 degrees (by setting wheel turn to 900 in lfs).
Fox 2
S3 licensed
1024*768@72hz (real screen size - 13.8 inches )

60hz for crt is insane imo
Fox 2
S3 licensed
About 1280 res, my monitor actually doesn't even support it

southamptonfc, what's your cooling system by the way? 4.275 is pretty nice o/c for this cpu.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
I've watched it for 5 secs, than i kinda unerstood that it is uber good.. So I closed youtube window, so that my first impression wouldn't be spoiled by bad quality

waiting for hq version
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Tomba(FIN), that is like that already in LFS. In think they were changed with Z patch.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
I think I have a similar problem. Downloaded latest iGTC replay today, and when tried to open it, LFS downloaded only helmet skins, tho there are still 30 car skins from that replay that I don't have.
LFS Remote disappearing track map
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Track map disappears in T1 at WE1r when zoomed in at full. Same happens in the same corner with WE1.

To reproduce - simply enter any server with WE track, zoom in and manually move camera to T1 (tho it also disappears if camera is fixed on car that goes through that corner).

I've checked in 3 browsers (IE6, Opera 9.21, Firefox 3), reproducible in all of them, BUT.. the area, where map starts to disappear differs. Seems like you need to move camera more to the edge of the track (upper) in FF and even more in IE (comparing with Opera). Weird, huh

Screen of the bug in attachment.
Very minor LFSW bug (typo)
Fox 2
S3 licensed
In racer details, by car filter it says "UFR GTR" instead of "UF GTR"
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Tested GTT today. Well, TBH, it didn't felt nicer, nor faster anyhow. At first there was some understeer, so I changed susp. a bit accordingly. And it was pretty much the same XRT i've known for years. In 25 laps i couldn't even beat my own PB.

But ok, I've decided to be fair here and compare time with FXO. I grabbed FXO set from inferno (which seemed quite outdated), jumped in the car, and on my 2nd lap ever lap on that combo (!) I managed to beat my XRT time by 0.5 seconds. At the same time FXO was much easier to drive too. IMO, that's a really huge difference. FXO is just in another class now (even with Y30 changes).

I think XRT actually needs to be faster (at WR level), as it is harder to drive. Average racer will drive both cars equally fast this way. That's how it was with GT and GTi in S1 days (and now pretty much too) and it worked (works) really well i think.
Last edited by Fox 2, .
Fox 2
S3 licensed
I'll come
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Juls, I can't agree with you. You can't tell how much time exactly you are losing just by speed graph. And that may be important, if you are hotlaping for MHR for example. Also, time diff. does depend on racer's lines, not speed only.. And they may differ a lot. Thirdly, sometimes lines on speed graph are very close to each other, so you can't even tell who's actually faster. In this case it'll be just too complicated to look at it and immediately see your weak points. And finally, sometimes you don't need too know exact WR speeds, since it's far from perfect, but you still need to know, where you're losing even compared to that.

So, imo, it'll be just much more visually comfortable (if that makes sense ), easier and faster to use.
Fox 2
S3 licensed

New graph - time difference. I think it will be useful, to be able to see immediately where u're faster or slower than WR for example. And it'll be easier to use than speed graph, since it'll only have one line. Speed graph also may be less helpful in some hard technical sections.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Scawen, is replay rewind speed constant? From few tests on different PC configs, seems like it's about 100x. Problem with that is, fast processors can do more (30-40% CPU load while rewinding). Is it possible for user to be able to change this speed?

P.S. thanks for the patch, awesome work
Fox 2
S3 licensed
I use 15" CRT, and I wouldn't have change it to any 20 LCD tbh
BTW, using 90 fov in LFS.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Mirror bug.

Start LFS. Go to any car, track. Cockpit view. Alt-tab to windows. Back to LFS. Bah, corrupted mirrors. Happens every time for me.
My card is x1950pro, drivers are official 7.12. Windows XP.

Sorry if that has been reported.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
AU4 is drag, yes.

Obviously I wouldn't choose it to hotlap, but it could be already selected.
Hotlap Bug
Fox 2
S3 licensed
If you choose AU4 track in HL mode (or if it was chosen before), race lenght will be set to 1 lap instead of a practise, and it won't be changed if you'll change the track. Re-entering HL helps, but I think this lil' thing should be fixed anyway
Fox 2
S3 licensed
I think, it's up to him to decide, whether he likes this dirty WR or not and if he has any pride at all, I think he'll delete it. Maybe it's just that "omg i've set an mhr wr" feeling was so strong, that he didn't care at the time about cheating stuff. mb after cooling down he'll change his mind

Also I'd like to point out, that there are a lot of areas in SO, when it's very safe to hit a wall even quite hard, and that's a bug. I hope it would be fixed before final release